Adventure, Alberta, Calgary, Canada, Explore, Lancaster University, Paperwork, Study Abroad, Travelling, University, University of Calgary

Wise Words from a Fellow Study Abroader. Next Stop for us… Calgary

The Diary of an Exchange Student

“Okay, so I’ve got the thumbs up to study abroad, now what?!”

The feeling of excitement, ecstasy and disbelief that coursed through my veins when I was first told that I’d be going abroad for my 2nd year of university has been replaced by an overwhelming sense of panic!


I can’t describe it really! It’s like I’ve hit a brick wall! I’ve been ragging on at 100 mph since the start of university and now exams are over, holidays are over, and all seems quiet in the Bingham household! I don’t think that it’s quite sunk in yet, the fact that I’m going across the pond to begin a new chapter of my life, (well it isn’t really a pond, more like 3,612.61 miles across the Atlantic Ocean and to the Western side of Canada)!


Don’t get me wrong, YES I’m excited beyond belief, when I found out that I was…

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Hello Paperwork!


Whenever I’m feeling discouraged (annoyed, frustrated, irritated, aggravated, vexed) I think of this. 8 weeks and counting.  uqdl1vk


Adventure, Alberta, Calgary, Canada, Explore, Study Abroad, Travelling, University, University of Calgary

Let’s Go…


When study abroad paperwork hits hard, attack it with lunch & latte.


Alberta, Canada, Paperwork, Study Abroad, Travelling, University, University of Calgary

Pleasant Paperwork
